Attorney Melanie Damian, a partner with the law firm of Damian & Valori LLP, will participate in a CLE panel discussion titled “2011 Annual Review of Developments in Business and Corporate Litigation” at the American Bar Association Business Law Section Spring Meeting on April 14, 2011 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Ms. Damian’s panel discussion topic will cover the Employment and Business Courts. Additional panel members include the Honorable Allan van Gestel, Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court Business Litigation Session (Ret.); the Honorable Ben F. Tennille, Chief Special Superior Court Judge, North Carolina Business Court; Julie McCarthy, Executive Director and Associate General Counsel, Novartis; Bradford K. Newman, Partner, Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker LLP; and Cory E. Manning, Partner, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP.